Michael HossThoughts on neoliberal freedom and conscious consumption in times of the tragedy of the commonsA large part of the German population already voluntarily incorporates the common good significantly into their own actions. For example…Jun 4, 2023Jun 4, 2023
Michael HossÜber Karriere mit Autos statt Wärmewende und Meinungsmache zum HeizungsgesetzWas beeinflusst, wie die Gesellschaft Technologien wahrnimmt?Jun 4, 2023Jun 4, 2023
Michael HossWho can actually do something about climate change?Consumers, politicians, voters, companies, shareholders, media, activists, or foreign countries?Apr 3, 20233Apr 3, 20233
Michael HossSUVs and the Auto Industry’s Noble GoalsCustomers do what customers do: buy vehicles in which they feel free and safe.Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Michael HossTechnological Innovation != Social ProgressWhat does actually improve our lives?Jan 29, 2023Jan 29, 2023